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Catholic Investment Strategies

Invest your personal assets in accordance with Church teachings.


Hospitals, universities and other Catholic institutions can fund their pensions without violating their core values.


Offer your Catholic clients a portfolio that fits their needs. Our investment products are available to other financial advisors.

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Start the conversation about investments guided by Catholic Principles. Reach us directly at: 800-518-0945 or contact us to schedule a free consultation with one of our advisors.

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Get started right away by creating an account with our asset custodian, FOLIOfn. We will then manage your assets according to the USCCB's guidelines. This link takes you off our site.

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Investment Portfolios Guided by Catholic Principles

Better Screening and Proactive Advocacy Make Summit the Superior Choice for Catholic Investors

Catholic Investments Represented by Stained Glass WindowFaithfully adhering to the USCCB’s (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) Investment Guidelines involves actively avoiding companies whose goals and activities violate the Church’s moral teachings. There are a number of ways to vet organizations and not all Catholic financial advisors screen the same way.

Summit’s screening process is vastly superior to any other firm’s.

The affiliate we use for screening runs all companies past multiple filters to make sure no objectionable businesses slip through. An extensive network of contacts in the socially responsibly investing community lets our affiliate get inside information not available on standard lists. The result is an exclusive list of companies serious Catholic investors should avoid.

Companies that successfully pass the screening process are then are then available for use in any of our portfolio strategies.

Discover Your Risk Tolerance

Beyond simply avoiding certain investments, we actively seek out ways to change company policies by engaging with high level members of corporate managements. A portion of our portfolio management fees are used for this purpose at no expense to our clients.

Only by challenging the prevailing corporate culture can Catholic investors expect to improve the world. Our proactive advocacy campaigns have successfully changed corporate policies on a number of occasions. Thanks to Summit’s Catholic advocacy, companies have ceased using child labor, providing abortions and facilitating sex trafficking, among other immoral activities.

Thinking About Investing in a Catholic Mutual Fund?

Mutual funds have long been a standard go-to investment for many individuals. They are a fairly easy way to begin investing as most of the hard work has been done by the fund manager. But are they a good way for Catholics to invest?

For all the widely known benefits of investing in a mutual fund, there are several pitfalls Catholic investors should be aware of.

For long term investors, it pays to research different opportunities before putting any money into a fund. Mutual funds are not necessarily an investment panacea. Learn about the specific issues Catholics should know about when investing in mutual funds.

Contact Summit to make a positive social impact while investing according to the USCCB guidelines.