Catholic Portfolios Don’t Mean You Can’t Make Money Investing
May 10, 2018 5:12 amThe Catholic market capitalization based index portfolios provide access to customized stock portfolios that adhere to Catholic religious standards by excluding morally objectionable companies. In addition, through the use of an outside consulting firm and on behalf of investors, other corporate managements are engaged in dialog intended to bring policies and practices in line with Catholic moral teaching. The portfolios provide exposure to the three market capitalization segments (large, mid, and small) but are not meant to closely track any specific market index. Nonetheless, they are benchmarked to appropriate indexes for comparison purposes.
The S&P 500 Index consists of 500 stocks chosen for market size, liquidity, and industry group representation. It is a market-value weighted index (stock price times number of share outstanding), with each stock’s weight in the index proportionate to its market value.
Post from: Insights