Catholic Stock Portfolio Managers Let You Invest in Harmony with Your Conscience and the Catholic Church
There are a lot of stocks and equities you can invest in. Finding stocks with a promising return is hard enough, ferreting out which stocks are morally legitimate is impossible for most investors. Instead of trying to get by with guesswork or giving up on the Church’s teachings, you can be confident when you let Summit manage your stock portfolio.
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Your Catholic values can be part of an effective Catholic investing strategy.
Catholic investing does more than secure the financial future you seek; it helps build the kind of world in which you want to live. Aligning your investments with your faith will achieve real change and real results. As Catholics, we are called to be faithful stewards of the gifts God has given us. Summit takes this charge very seriously and utilizes disciplined equity selection processes that are combined with a faithful adherence to the USCCB Investment Guidelines. This results in truly Catholic stock portfolios that are built for investment success. You also get a proactive advocacy program and confidence that your money promotes a better world.
Our portfolios are available to many kinds of investors, including:

Individual Investors
Individual Catholic investors are welcome to use any of our services to invest in line with their conscience.

Catholic Dioceses
Catholic dioceses and diocesan organizations can fund initiatives with our portfolios.

Catholic Institutions
Non-diocesan Catholic institutions are able to take advantage of our financial products.
Expert Investment Management from Faithful Catholics
You have choices when looking for a Catholic investment manager. Be careful, though, as it is hard to find firms with the same level of experience in both stock investing and Catholic screening as Summit. If you go with another management company, you run the risk of an underperforming Catholic portfolio or a portfolio that is not actually Catholic.
We have contacts in the socially responsible investing community that other managers simply do not have. This lets us stay on top of changing corporate policies and know what’s actually happening on a near-first hand basis.
The result is your portfolio will never violate Church teaching or your conscience.
The history of Catholic investing began with Pope Leo XII’s 1891 encyclical on capital and labor, setting forth the notion of social justice. Today, the USCCB provides the guidelines to align good morals with investments. You, too, can be a part of the growing Catholic movement for responsible stock investing. Summit makes its investment portfolios available to all Catholic investors.
Regardless of your investing needs, we have a Catholic portfolio for you. Don’t let your investments fund evil another day. Get started with a Catholic stock portfolio today!