Grow Your Capital or Develop a Dividend Income Stream: Anything Is Possible with Our Catholic Stock Portfolios
There is a bewildering array of options for today’s investor. From single stocks and bonds to mutual funds and ETFs, investors have a lot of choices. Catholic investors who wish to adhere to the USCCB guidelines need to examine their options very closely. Many equities support activities that are directly contrary to Church teaching. For investors who wish to build a portfolio of individual stocks, the sheer number of choices can make finding good equities that are also morally legitimate an unrealistic proposition. At the same time, it can be very hard to deduce if a mutual fund or ETF actually follows the USCCB guidelines or just claims to do so.
Schedule Free Consultation Today
The best choice for Catholic investors is letting our advisors build and manage an investment portfolio for you.
Unlike a mutual fund, we will work with you to provide a customized portfolio with an asset allocation that fits your needs. We will develop an investment plan tailored for your personal financial circumstances and risk tolerance. Regardless of your experience or needs, we will create the portfolio you need to achieve your goals.
We have several kinds of investment portfolios available to best serve your needs.
Discover Your Risk Tolerance
Get a Catholic Stock Portfolio Designed Specifically for You
When you invest with us, you will receive an excellent portfolio in accordance with the USCCB guidelines designed to meet your unique financial needs. We have portfolios geared towards achieving a number of investing goals from actively managed capital appreciation to hands off passive investing

Capital Appreciation
Our Catholic Values portfolios are designed to grow your capital year after year.

Passive Portfolios
Harness the market’s historical growth patterns with a passive investing portfolio.

Donor Advised Funds
Our Catholic financial advisors will help you set up and manage charitable giving accounts.
Setting up your portfolio, we look at many factors, including: your age, personal investing experience, financial situation, and investment goals.
Diversification and rebalancing limit risk and keep your portfolio on top of market trends.
To the extent possible and desired, your account will be diversified across a number of industry sectors to reduce your portfolio’s exposure to the risk of loss. Your portfolio will be periodically rebalanced to ensure that it stays aligned with market developments and your investment plan.
Catholic Stock Investing Advisors Keep You in the Loop
We are committed to keeping our clients fully informed of their portfolio’s performance. Your investment will be fully transparent. You will be able to see each and every position, not just a small number of the largest holdings. 24/7 online access lets you view account balances, calculate portfolio returns for any desired time period, review year-to-date taxable gains or losses to help you with your tax planning, and analyze portfolio attributes and characteristics.
Our Financial Advisors Go Above and Beyond Managing Your Portfolio
There are a number of benefits for individuals looking for more than just somebody to help them invest in accordance with the USCCB guidelines. Besides offering top notch portfolio management, our Catholic financial advisors can help you in a number of ways:
- Work directly with your CPA for end-of-year and next year tax planning
- Coordinate individualized financial and retirement plans aligned with your goals
- Help coordinate estate and trust planning strategies through third party providers
- Offer advanced, tax sensitive strategies
- Give you access enabling you to download tax information directly from your computer
- Provide IRS form 8949 for sales and other dispositions of capital assets from your account
If you are interested in any of these services in addition to portfolio management, let us know. We’ll be happy to help you achieve your financial goals while respecting your obligations as a faithful Catholic.
Contact our financial advisors to schedule a free consultation on the best Catholic investing strategy for your needs.