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The True Meaning of Easter

April 14, 2017 7:52 pm

In today’s society, it is easy to get lost in fun holiday traditions. People love any excuse to celebrate and stores love any reason to make money. During the springtime, the most popular holiday is Easter. Spring dresses and hats come out of closets. Eggs are dyed bright colors, while baskets are filled with candy and hidden by the Easter bunny. For many people, this is the full extent of what Easter means to them. As long as they spend time with family and eat some colorful treats, Easter is a satisfactory holiday that comes once a year. Even though this has become common for many people in society, the true meaning of Easter is different for the Catholic church.

Of course, many Catholics take part in Easter traditions such as hiding candy and dying eggs, but the day itself is part of a long week of reflection on what Jesus did for us. This time is a reminder that Jesus not only died on the cross on Good Friday, but rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, ultimately saving those who believe in Him from their sins and promising them a future in Heaven. Just as today, people throughout the ages have struggled to believe this really happened. Jesus appeared to His disciples in order to convince them that He had indeed been raised from the dead and that nothing is beyond the power of God to accomplish.

Spreading True Easter Spirit

Jesus’ disciples risked the rest of their lives spreading the great news that Jesus is the Savior who is able to redeem people from their sins. The disciples wanted to make this world a better place by sharing God’s love with all people. Christians today can continue the work that the disciples began following the first Easter. By living your life to help spread goodness and love in this world, you can make this world a better place. Let Easter be a reminder of what can be accomplished when God is involved.

Catholic Investment Strategies celebrates Easter every day by harnessing the power of the market to spread Catholic principles for global good. If you’re interested in joining our efforts, contact us to learn more.

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